It’s Not Just Another Supplement
The Alcohol Animal Feed by 1 on 1 Nutrition program is easy to implement in any dairy ration. ALCOHOL allows the modern producer to feed his herd “As the Cow Was Designed“, with feed efficiency and good use of forage and grain. ALCOHOL can make you money. Are you looking for a “rumen friendly diet?” Want to reduce purchased inputs and increase for age content and hold or increase production at the same time? Ask your nutritionist to formulate a ration with ALCOHOL !
Alcohol Animal Feed Dairy
ALCOHOL is a high performance ration enhancer that provides specially refined nutrients to enhance microbialfunction and rumen efficiency.
Key ALCOHOL Benefits
- Improved Utilization of Both Forage and Grain
- Lower Feed Cost
- Improved Transition Periods
- Better Herd Health
Alcohol Animal Feed -High Performance Ration Enhancer
Energy is the first demand in all animal nutrition. The energy will be met first, at the expense of all other nutrients, being protein, minerals, trace minerals, and vitamins. Superior genetics has endowed the animal to far surpass its ability to intake enough energy to supply its daily needs. If the energy needs are not satisfied and protein is available, it will be broken down to satisfy the energy needs first before any of it will be utilized to meet the protein or amino acid needs. The total energy requirement of animals surpasses all other nutrient requirements. It is therefore the nucleus of the total diet of all species.
It is also necessary that maximum energy required be received from the energy source, so as to preserve the protein requirements. That source is Ethyl Alcohol. ETHYL (grain) ALCOHOL has more hydrogen per pound of product and is in the most excited state known to man. ETHYL (GRAIN) ALCOHOL works 30 times faster than carbohydrate sources of energy.
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Happy Nutritionist
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An Alcohol Animal Feed program by 1 on 1 Nutrition supports improved rumen fermentation and animal response at a relatively low inclusion rate in the ration. Research shows ALCOHOL provides and enhancement in microbial growth and microbial efficiency as well as an improvement in fiber and carbohydrate digestion. Alcohol’s unique and patented formula enhances rumen fermentation and helps the cows get more from your feed. Many of the ALCOHOL benefits are listed below
Lower MUN levels
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Increase DM intake during transition
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Lower cull rate from healthier cows
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Hold production in times of stress
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Fewer DA’s, acidotic or lame cows
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Less sorting and refusal-less waste
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Production increase over lactation
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Uniform manure, less nutrient loss
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Schedule a FREE Consultation or Ration Analysis
Livestock Nutrition Specialists - 50 years experience. No promises... Just results.
Dry Cows
1 lb. Alcohol / head/ day
Pre-fresh Period
2 lbs. Alcohol / head /day for smoother transition periods and better feed intake.
Lactating Cows
2 lbs. Alcohol / head/day
- Adjust ration crude protein to original status.
- Remove counter-productive ingredients, i.e. liquid vegetable fats, tallow, ionophores, by-pass fats.
- Day 1-14 watch for changes in MUN’s, manure and DMI.Then reduce ration crude protein, while maintaining 2 lbs. Alcohol according to 1 on 1 Nutrition recommended guidelines.
- Incorporate into your Grain Mix
- Blend into a TMR
- Top Dress
- Feed Free Choice- Lick Tanks